


One More Day and the Pizza is Yours

I’ve been working hard. In fact, fourteen authors and a cover artist and I have been working hard. On what? Well, on, as far as I’m aware, the first anthology of it’s kind…A young adult pizza anthology (affectionately dubbed the Pizzathology) called A Pizza My Heart.               A Pizza My Heart contains fifteen amazing stories of murder, mystery, love, monsters, and more and every single story revolves around pizza. I’m so honored and proud to work with these authors and our amazing cover artist Haley.[...]


Cover Reveal: A Pizza My Heart Pizzathology

Today, I’m beyond delighted to introduce the cover of the A PIZZA MY HEART anthology to you. For those of you who are curious about the cover, fabulous cover artist Haley Crosby wrote a spectacular overview of the process and what it was like. You can read that here. I’m so happy with this cover because I wanted it to feel fun, eye-catching, and pizza-y, when viewed up close or even when viewing a thumbnail. I asked and Haley knocked it out of the park. This cover is all of those things and more. I think it perfectly represents the feel of this anthology bu[...]


Announcement: A Pizza My Heart YA Pizzathology – Coming November 2016!

First off, Happy National Pizza Party day!!! Everybody pizza shimmy! I am so excited! Some of you may remember that I made an announcement in February that I was looking for submissions for a young adult anthology. The theme? Pizza of course!! Fifty of you rose to the challenge and a select fourteen were chosen. There were so many fantastic submissions, I wanted so badly to choose more than that. But alas, I had to stick to my original guidelines and today we're celebrating it becoming a real thing! Here are the details! A Pizza My Heart: An Anthology[...]


Pizzathology Announcement (YA Pizza Anthology Call For Submissions)

EDIT: Pizza Anthology submission due date has been extended to March 18, 2016.   Happy National Pizza Day! There's no better day to announce this, so here we go! Do you love pizza? Do you love YA? Do you like to YA while you pizza or pizza while you YA? Well, my friend, you are in the right place at the pizza-iest time. Because I am looking for submissions for a YA pizza anthology. There are a few rules, which I'll get to below. But first, a moment of pizza please. ^ I trust her ^ Yes I do if there is pizza. ^ Pizza Shimmy ^ That one's for Bri[...]