


Twisted Fairy Tale: Only The Brave Deserve The Fair by Lindz McLeod

Welcome to the 8th annual #SpookyShowcase! The Spooky Showcase celebrates the dark minds of creatives around the world through short stories and artistic creations that are dark in nature, macabre, or horror themed. This year's theme is Twisted Fairy Tales. Expect twisted legends, creepy creations, and dark fairy tales that will keep you up at night. Visit each day in the month of October for a scare. The master schedule is here. Only the Brave Deserve the Fair By Lindz McLeod Once upon a time, in a city near the sea, lived a young woman with gold[...]


Twisted Fairy Tale: The Juniper Tree by Chantel Pereira

Welcome to the 8th annual #SpookyShowcase! The Spooky Showcase celebrates the dark minds of creatives around the world through short stories and artistic creations that are dark in nature, macabre, or horror themed. This year's theme is Twisted Fairy Tales. Expect twisted legends, creepy creations, and dark fairy tales that will keep you up at night. Visit each day in the month of October for a scare. The master schedule is here. The Juniper Tree By Chantel Pereira Beneath the juniper trees, his mother buried him—his blood wet and slick bene[...]


Twisted Fairy Tale: Mullets Jump for Joy Because That’s All They Know by Victoria Nations

Welcome to the 8th annual #SpookyShowcase! The Spooky Showcase celebrates the dark minds of creatives around the world through short stories and artistic creations that are dark in nature, macabre, or horror themed. This year's theme is Twisted Fairy Tales. Expect twisted legends, creepy creations, and dark fairy tales that will keep you up at night. Visit each day in the month of October for a scare. The master schedule is here. Mullets Jump for Joy Because That’s All They Know By Victoria Nations Once upon a time, a great spring bubbled up an[...]


Twisted Fairy Tale: The Cost of a Rose by Kim Plasket

Welcome to the 8th annual #SpookyShowcase! The Spooky Showcase celebrates the dark minds of creatives around the world through short stories and artistic creations that are dark in nature, macabre, or horror themed. This year's theme is Twisted Fairy Tales. Expect twisted legends, creepy creations, and dark fairy tales that will keep you up at night. Visit each day in the month of October for a scare. The master schedule is here. The Cost of a Rose By Kim Plasket Chapter 1 “A tale as old as time, true as it can be”  Those are[...]


Twisted Fairy Tale: The Girl With One Hand by Zebib K. A.

Welcome to the 8th annual #SpookyShowcase! The Spooky Showcase celebrates the dark minds of creatives around the world through short stories and artistic creations that are dark in nature, macabre, or horror themed. This year's theme is Twisted Fairy Tales. Expect twisted legends, creepy creations, and dark fairy tales that will keep you up at night. Visit each day in the month of October for a scare. The master schedule is here. The Girl With One Hand By Zebib K. A. The girl with one hand wandered through the sand, the winds whipping it up into a[...]