Woot! Happy F@#king Birthday Kristen Jett!
By now, I hope you’ve had a fun-filled, glorious day! I hope you eat cake and dance with friends. I hope you get lots of shiny things. I hope you have a truly beautiful birthday, because you deserve it!
There are a million and one reasons that I cherish you as a friend, a confidant, and as a business partner. You’re creative. You’re innovative. You’re talented. You’re funny. And most importantly, you’ll eat my licorice jelly beans.
For those of you who are reading this and aren’t KJ, we (myself and fellow KJ lovers), decided to throw her an ultimate online scavenger hunt. Each stop posted pictures, GIFs, and clues to the next stop. Here are the stops below.
The Happy Birthday Scavenger Hunt Stops – In Order
Stop 1: Pen and Muse
Clue to next stop:
She is quite lovely, she is quite sweet,
She makes our Google group boy chat complete <3
Starts with a B, With only one vowel
Better solve this quick and not throw in the towel!
Stop 2: Brett Jonas
Clue to next stop:
She’s one of a kind and quite the great writer,
She’s first to jump in and help us pull an all nighter.
She’s part of the P&M team (and she rocks),
And the amount of scheduling she does knocks your socks off.
Stop 3: Jessi Shakarian
Clue to next stop:
Oh my cheesecake! Is what you said, I believe,
When it comes to her writing and her main book squeeze.
She’s funny and lovely and is part of the P&M team,
I’m sure when her book two comes out, you’ll be in a dream!
Stop 4: Kristen Strassel
Clue to next stop:
A writer of romance
A secret writer
A collaborator with one, and she’s not a fella,
But a partner with another for U. Ella
Stop 5: Jolie Hudson
Clue to next stop:
She’s fab, she’s fun, she’s also a gal.
She’s sweet and also a fellow writing pal,
You know her online but that’s not all,
You’ve met her in person (and she was quite swell).
Hint: Her initals are K.E.
Stop 6: Kristen Evey
Clue to lead to #7
YA Writer, teacher, and a awesome lover of books,
You know her on Twitter and on the Nano-Loop.
Her project is unique, and not for the mild,
A fantastic read about an emancipated foster child.
Stop 7: Sam Hager
Clue to next stop:
He’s fantastic; a friend and a writer,
A lover of zombies and all things macabre.
And if you don’t get what you want for your bday,
He’s usually the first to volunteer as your love slave. <3
Stop 8: Bobby the Great! (I agree with this title)
Clue to next stop:
He’s the man, with a plan,
Lovely kids and lovely wife.
He’s the best editor we know,
He makes us love writing life!
Clue to next stop (written by Steve himself):
Today is Kristen’s birthday, our bacon loving friend
Who’ll probably start a spreadsheet, before this hunt will end
*offers bar of chocolate, wrapped with her next clue*
(Though she’d rather solve a mystery, w/ help from you-know-who
Now nine will lead her, to yet another site.
Of an editor by day, and a novelist by night.
*offers her preview copy* *hopes the title may suffice*
Since we didn’t win the auction, what w/ that record price.
Though neither is an asscher cut, the color’s at least the same.
And with that now, the clue is done…so good luck with the game!
Stop 10: Danielle Masterson
Clue to next stop:
Great taste in music, a fantastic writer all can see,
He’s a great friend, and his name starts with a B.
He loves Dean Koontz and black labs,
What can I say, everyone thinks he’s just fab!
Stop 11: Brian Taylor
Clue to next stop (written by Brian!):
1) This person used to peek in the Diaries of Ella Graham.
2) They talk freely about the Secret Life of Writers.
3) No one knows more about OF SCARS AND STARDUST than them…like in the history of scars and stardust. Really. I’m not kidding.
4) This person once said you were their personal astrologist. “What’s up with the moon?”
Have you figured it out yet? That’s right, give a great big hug to…someone we should all be following on twitter… https://twitter.com/andeehannah
Yep, it’s http://www.andreahannah.com/!
Stop 12: Andee Hannah
Clue to next stop:
Your jelly bean twin,
Your fellow Hardy Boys lover.
Runs by the seat of her pants (and Dean Winchester lover),
Will plan things only for you! As you’ve just discovered!
Stop 13 (Final Stop): Jolene Haley
Great job you solved it!!
I hope you enjoyed our fun-filled festivities. You truly are an incredible person Kristen, and I hope you see how much we all care about you. 🙂
HUGE thank you to my fellow accomplices for helping me pull this off. You are awesome!
Sweet dreams,
Kristen Jett
I’m still crying too much to coherently respond to this. I love you. You are an amazing co-schemer, JBF, and person. And you’ll even eat the buttered popcorn jellybeans.