
author interview


Horror Author Interview with Rose Sinclair

Halloween is almost upon us and I always enjoy the month reading spooky things and watching scary movies. This year, I'm also celebrating by showcasing horror authors and celebrating their contribution to the horror community. Rose agreed to let me interview her for a horror author interview and I'm really excited to share her answers with you. Let's dive in. Interview with Author Rose Sinclair Thank you for letting me interview you Rose! Let's start off by talking books, books, books. What kind of books do you like to write or have you written? If y[...]


Q & A With Fabulous Author Ron Valle

Those of you who know me, know that I love having authors on the blog and talking to them about important life things, writing, and absolutely absurd not-so-life-important things. I've had a number of authors on  like Julie Hutchings, Debbie Dadey & Marcia Thornton Jones, Romily Bernard, Susan McBride,  Judith Graves, Kim Harrington,  and more, and I'm so happy to be able to add another to the ranks. I've learned so many fantastic things about authors I admire, that sometimes it blows my mind. Today, I asked amazing (and hilarious) author Ron Valle on the[...]


Trick-Or-Treat Chronicles with Romily Bernard

Last year I picked up a book called Find Me. I'd never heard of the author before but it sounded good. The page I skimmed in the book was funny and interesting. So I grabbed it. AND OH MY GOD ROMILY BERNARD IS ONE OF MY NEW FAVORITE AUTHORS!!!! In fact, just recently I picked up her newest release REMEMBER ME. I took an awkward photo with me holding it for proof. Okay, so back to how amazing Romily is. I love her writing because it's funny, snarky, clever, and some scenes from FIND ME were so perfectly creepy that I was glancing from side to side. I loved it.[...]


Trick-or-Treat Chronicles with Tessa Gratton

I'm extremely excited to introduce my special guest today. She holds a special place in my heart. I remember the first time that I held her book in my hands, I had this thought. "Finally, someone wrote a book that I've been dying to read." I read it. And I loved it so much that I bought everything else that this author's ever written. I love her ability to combine dark writing with humor and suspense. Kicking off this week's Trick-or-Treat Chronicles is the amazing Tessa Gratton, one of the most fantastic dark authors around! She's the author of Blood Magic and[...]


Trick-or-Treat Chronicles with Judith Graves

I'm so excited that so many fantastic authors were willing to let me conduct Halloween inspired interviews with them for the month of October. Today on Trick-or-Treat Chronicles we have a fantastic author who was kind enough to take a moment from her writing and zombie organizing to let me interivew here. Today, I welcome Judith Graves, a fantastic young adult author. She's the author of several titles such as Under my Skin (the Skinned series), Strangeways Versus the Blood Brothers, and Killer's Instrict. Hi Judith! Thank you so much for letting me interview yo[...]