
entangled teen


Blog Tour: Rival by Cindy R. Wilson

When I heard about Rival, coming soon from Entangled Teen, I had to know more. It's a YA contemporary novel with a love story that rivals Romeo and Juliet! Seriously, the last line says: Star-crossed doesn’t even begin to describe our fate. Are you swooning? Because I am. Here's a little bit more about Rival! Rival - About the Book For years, our families have had one rule: We leave them alone. They leave us alone. When Juno caught me scavenging for supplies in her family’s territory, I had no idea that the war between our two families w[...]


Cover Reveal: Echoes by Alice Reeds

  You guys, I'm absolutely thrilled to be able to share the cover of upcoming book Echoes by Alice Reeds. It sounds absolutely amazing and I think you'll definitely want to pre-order this baby, so I'll include links to that below. But for now, spy this stunning cover! Let us know what you think of the cover for Echoes by Alice Reeds, RELEASING August 7, 2018! This cover reveal is brought to you by Entangled Teen. About Echoes: "Fast-paced and thrilling. ECHOES is a heart-pounding and addictive love story." —Mia Siegert, author of Jerkbait They wake o[...]