
free stories



Welcome to Beware! Dark Seas Halloween showcase, an annual author & artist showcase that features talented creators. Come back each day, the entire month of October for a scare! Prepare for dark stories, myths & legends, and creepy creations that will make the hair on the nape of your neck stand up straight. May the water have mercy on your soul. A full posting schedule can be found here. SIREN BY M.L. SATKIN   The sea is not my home. I belong elsewhere. I know it in my very bones - tugging at the back of my mind. The humans think I belong here.[...]


Haunted Hotel: The Legend of Thornewood by Erica Secor

Welcome to day twenty-eight of the Haunted Hotel Writer and Illustrator showcase! You can find a list of all participants here. Come back each day, the entire month of October for a scare! Today's story comes from room #128.   The Legend of Thornewood     Medium: Pencil, ink, charcoal, & scratches on paper Original: 9 x 13.25    About the Artist & author Erica Secor writes middle grade horror and nonfiction humor. She frequently uses storyboarding to plot her novels. She has worked in higher education since 2006 and currently t[...]


Haunted Hotel: What Crosses Over by Brian LeTendre

Welcome to day twenty-four of the Haunted Hotel Writer and Illustrator showcase! You can find a list of all participants here. Come back each day, the entire month of October for a scare! Today's story comes from room #665!   October 31st—4pm "Yes Miss Thompson, I will put you down for a wakeup call,” Cindy assured the woman in room eighty-four as she scrawled a note in the column of the guest register.  "Yes, yes, I understand—they'll make sure you get up. Yes, I know it's a matter of life and—" A blast of October air caused Cindy to look up as two[...]


Haunted Hotel: Room #217 by Sarah L. Blair

Welcome to day twenty-one of the Haunted Hotel Writer and Illustrator showcase! You can find a list of all participants here. Come back each day, the entire month of October for a scare! Today's story comes from room #217!   “It was a dark and stormy night.” Frank glanced up at the bartender as he shook out his fedora. “‘Scuse me?” The barrel of a man behind the counter stopped wiping the counter and motioned out the window. “Dark. Stormy.” “Yeah. Raining cats and dogs.” As long as they were speaking in clichés he might as well keep it up.[...]


Haunted Hotel: Food and Drink Man by Victoria Nations

Welcome to day nineteen of the Haunted Hotel Writer and Illustrator showcase! You can find a list of all participants here. Come back each day, the entire month of October for a scare! Today's scare comes from the staff areas--places where guests are never supposed to go. Enjoy the employees only key...but beware!   "Food and Drink Man." "Yes, sir.  You'll be staying with us overnight?"  The desk clerk stood stiffly behind the high wooden desk, blond hair pulled back to the nape of her neck.  Her face looked pale in the light of the computer screen. �[...]