
orchard pointe


Orchard Pointe is Coming 2017!

Have you ever had to postpone a trip at the last minute? You had already bought the plane tickets, planned your itinerary and took the time off from work, but for whatever reason, something came up, and plans needed to change? Well folks, I'm sad to say that we have had to postpone our trip to Orchard Pointe. Yeah, we're bummed too. You might have figured that out already, as we were shooting for an August 16th release date and that came and went. The only reason we didn't make an announcement at that time is that we were hoping to have the book ready to go b[...]


Cover Reveal: Orchard Pointe! What do you think?

Today is a special day for me because not only do I get to reveal my cover but I get to share it with friends...all of you! This book is special to me, because as you know, I love all things weird and strange. I grew up watching the X-Files and Tales From The Crypt and reading things like Ray Bradbury's Dark Carnival, Goosebumps, Lois Duncan, and The Bailey School Kids books where weird was the norm. I liked it that way. I still do. And I wasn't sure if I was ever going to find my horror soul mate... but one day I did...my writing partner Brian. This cover rev[...]


NaNoWriMo Update #1 – Orchard Pointe

Wow! We're already a week into NaNoWriMo! How is everyone doing? I'm sitting happily over 20,000 as of this afternoon but if I'm being totally truthful, it's only because my writing partner Brian LeTendre is a total beast and has been killing it on writing daily and consistently. I wrote over 2,000 yesterday and it felt sooooo good. We had a Twitter writing party with several amazing people (thanks guys!). In one hour, we'd compiled over 10,000 words between us! One hour! I love writing sprints. It's the best writing with others and holding yourself and your[...]