
woodsview murders


After the Storm – A Woodsview Christmas Story Just For You!

Woodsview fans, we have a surprise for you today. But first, we want to say thank you. Thank you for the tremendous amount of love you have shown Harrowed, and for your patience as we get ready to bring Haunted to you. We care about these characters so much, and to see them resonate with so many of you has been more rewarding than we can possibly imagine. And so today, we come bearing a gift, in the form of a Christmas story. It's called After the Storm, and it takes place just eight weeks after the events of Harrowed.   Two months ago, Avery Bla[...]


Meet Avery Blair from Harrowed

Avery Blair is the main character in Harrowed, our new horror novel from Horror Twins Press. When Brian and I were envisioning our novel, we wanted a main character with a strong backbone--someone who was in charge of her own destiny. We imagined Avery as headstrong, thirsty for a story, and determined to find the truth. When we actually started writing, Avery became all of that and more. We were no longer in charge of her. Like we'd envisioned, Avery spoke to us and started writing her own story. And as it turned out, she had a lot to say. We have very special[...]


Harrowed Book Trailer Reveal

One of the things I love most about working with Brian is that he's full of surprises. We love to surprise each other. Usually mine starts with "I did a thing..." Earlier this week Brian messaged me. The message said, "I may have just cut a trailer for Harrowed..." It was followed by another. "I may have jut sent you a link." My eyes bulged out of my head when I realized what he was saying. HE MADE US A BOOK TRAILER. I was so excited and jazzed and I couldn't wait to see it. And then I saw it. And it was perfect.   BEHOLD THE GLORY OF THE BOOK TRAILER![...]


Cover Reveal: Harrowed by Brian LeTendre and Jolene Haley + Giveaway

Today is a very special day. Why? Because today Brian LeTendre and I are revealing our cover for Harrowed!! Harrowed is a YA horror novel about a serial killer stalking a small town in Massachusetts, and a girl who is trying to solve the murders. Everyone knows how much I love horror and I was beyond excited to start collaborating with Brian on a new series called the Woodsview Murders. Book one is Harrowed, out 9/22/15. Brian has done a fantastic job updating everyone on the progress and our crazy edit month that we affectionately dubbed "Editpalooza." Me, l[...]